Update Tuesday Feb. 25 2025 7:00pm
The news is bad from Chazy Lake. Allen Pashley reports roughly two feet of slush and hard packed snow over the ice. It was enough of an obstacle that he did not manage a core sample. That said, locals claim there are 18inchs of ice locked below. In light of this news from the north and the forecast in the south, racing for this weekend has officially been canceled. Let’s hope the current warm weather will melt the snowpack on our lakes just in time for a cold front to give us the conditions we need. The window is closing but it hasn’t closed yet! The Jaffrey Ice Racing Association will be checking their track conditions on Saturday before making the decision on Sunday’s scheduled race. The NH club has been very welcoming of AMEC this season and encourages our members to check their Facebook page Saturday for updates.
Update Thursday Feb. 20 2025 8:00am
Races this weekend for the Lake George Winter Carnival are officially cancelled. Dave and Sal found poor conditions at all potential venues with hard packed snow over slush. Underneath Lake George measured in at only 8″ of real ice. At Lake Luzerne, club members found nearly the 12″ required but again under 5″ of slush and hard pack making the conditions unplowable and unsafe for racing.

President Allen Pashley is working to secure permission for a race further north on Chazy Lake up near Plattsburgh NY, for March 1st and 2nd but nothing has been finalized yet. Stand by for more information and a condition report there. Thank you to everyone who is looking for good ice!
Update Thursday Feb. 13 2025 11:00am
Well our intrepid ice checker Dave Burnham has once again gone driving all over the place looking for suitable conditions for A.M.E.C. to hold a race and has found nothing but a lot of slush. Both Lake Algonquin and Pecks Lake have a foot or more of snow with a half of foot of slush under that. Those conditions make it impossible to hold an event. So just like the rest of this season so far the club has decided to pull the plug on any racing activity this Sunday Feb. 16, 2025. That officially makes the score Mother Nature 7, AMEC O. We will again look for a suitable site to race on next weekend as we will continue to try and start our 2025 Ice Racing Championship season.